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Red sparrow - MahjongJoy Chinese Official Mahjong

1 POINT HANDS -- Total of 13 Hands

The basic Mahjong set has 136 pieces, which contains 36 distinct kinds of pieces (4 of each kind). There are three suits, which run from one to nine.

1. Pure Double Chow
Two runs of the same suit and same numerical sequence.

2. Mixed Double Chow
Two runs, one in each of two suits, of the same numerical sequence.

3. Short Straight
Two Chows in the same suit that run consecutively after one another (ex: 3-4-5 + 6-7-8 of bamboos)
  • All simples - 2
  • All chows - 2
  • Short Straight ( 3,4,5-bamboos, 6,7,8-bamboos) - 1
  • Mixed Double Chow ( 3,4,5-characters 3,4,5-bamboos ) - 1
  • Mixed Double Chow ( 6,7,8-characters 6,7,8-bamboos ) - 1
  • Single Wait - 1

    * The other Short Straight( 3,4,5-characters 6,7,8-characters ) is not counted because this chow has already been used.

  • 4. Two Terminal Chows
    Runs of 1-2-3 and 7-8-9 in the same suit.
  • All Chows - 2
  • One Voided Suit - 1
  • Two Terminal Chows ( 1,2,3-bamboos 7,8,9-bamboos ) - 1
  • Mixed Double Chow ( 1,2,3-characters 1,2,3-bamboos ) - 1
  • Mixed Double Chow ( 7,8,9-characters 7,8,9-bamboos ) - 1
  • Single Wait -1

    * Another Two Terminal Chows ( 1,2,3-characters 7,8,9-characters ) are not counted because these chows have already been used.

  • 5. Pung of Terminals or Honors
    Each Pung of 1. 9. or Honor tiles scores 1 point.

    6. Melded Kong
    A Kong that was claimed from another player or promoted from a melded Pung

    7. One Voided Suit
    A hand that lacks tiles from one of the three suits (either Characters, Dots, or bamboos).

    8. No Honors
    A hand formed entirely of suit tiles.

    9. Edge Wait
    Waiting for a 3 or 7 when holding 1-2 or 8-9, respectively. This hand is invalid when the edge wait is combined with any other waits. Combinations which do not add to the variety of tiles are acceptable (such as 1-2-3-3, which is a combination of an edge wait and a single wait, but only a 3 tile completes the hand).

    10. Closed Wait
    Going out on a closed wait (for example, holding 2-4 and waiting on 3). This hand is invalid when the closed wait is combined with other waits (for example, the combination wait 2-4-4-4 counts for neither Single Wait nor Closed Wait). Combinations which do not add to the variety of tiles are acceptable (such as 1-2-2-3-4, which is a combination of a closed wail and an edge wait, but only a 3 tile completes the hand).

    11. Single Wait
    Going out on a single wait (finishing a head). This hand is invalid if the wait is any type of combination wait (as in 1-2-3-4 waiting on the 1 and 4). Combinations which do not add to the variety of tiles being waited on are acceptable (such as 4-5-5-6. which is a combination of a single wait and a closed wait, but only a 5 tile completes the hand).

    12. Self-drawn
    Going out with a tile drawn from the wall.

    13. Flower Tiles
    Each flower tile is worth 1 point. When a flower tile is drawn, set it to the side and draw a replacement tile. If the player goes out off this replacement tile, then Self-drawn (1 point) is added to the hand.

    2 POINTS HANDS – Total of 10 hands

    14. Draqon Pung
    A Pung or Kong of Dragon Tiles. May be concealed or melded.

    15. Prevalent Wind
    A Pung of the Table Wind which corresponds to the round in progress. May be concealed or melded.

    16. Seat Wind
    A Pung or Kong of the Wind Tile, corresponding to the player's Seat position of the table (always East when the player is the dealer; for the other players, proceeds in the order South-West-North to the right of the dealer). May be concealed or melded.

    17. Concealed Hand
    Having a concealed hand (no melded sets) and going out off a player's discard.

    18. All Chows
    A hand consisting of all runs and no honors.

    * Another Two Terminal Chows ( 1,2,3-characters 7,8,9-characters ) are not counted because these chows have already been used.

    19. Tile Hog
    Using all four of a single suit tile without declaring them as a Kong. A Concealed Kong or Melded Kong does not also count as Tile Hog.

    20. Double Pung
    Two Pungs of the same numbers in two different suits (2-2-2 Bamboos + 2-2-2 Dots).

    21. Two Concealed Pungs
    Two Pungs which are achieved without claiming.

    22. Concealed Kong
    Created when four identical tiles, all drawn, are declared as a Kong.

    23. All Simples
    A hand formed without Terminal or Honor tiles.

    4 POINTS HANDS - Total of 4 hands

    24. Outside Hand
    A hand that includes Terminals and Honors in each set, including the pair.
    Example 1

    * Combined with Pure Double Chow, Lower Three, Tile Hog, Double Pung, and Pung of Terminals or Honors (2).

    Example 2

    * Combined with Mixed Double Chow, Two Terminal Chows, Pung of Terminals or Honors, and One Voided.

    25. Fully Concealed Hand
    A hand that a player completes without any melds, and wins by Self-Draw.

    26. Two Melded Kongs
    Finishing a hand that contains two claimed Kongs.

    27. Last Tile
    Going out off a tile which is the last of its kind. This fact must be clear to all players, i.e. the first three tiles of its kind are in the discard piles or are used in claimed sets. Points for Robbing the Kong are not added.

    6 POINTS HANDS - Total of 7 hands

    28. All Pungs
    Formed by four Pungs (or Kongs) and a head.

    29. Half Flush
    Formed by tiles from any one of the three suits in combination with Honors.

    30. Mixed Shifted Chows
    Three runs, one in each suit, each shifted over one tile up from the last.
    Example 3

    * Combined with All Chows and Short Straight.

    31. All Types
    A hand in which each of the five elements is composed of a different type of tile (Characters, Bamboos, Dots, Winds, and Dragons).
    Example 4

    * Combined with Mixed Straight and Dragon Pung.

    32. Melded Hand
    Every element of the hand must be completed with tiles discarded by other players. This means that all four sets must be claimed, and the player goes out on a single wait off another player. Points for Single Wait are implied.

    33. Two Dragons
    Two Pungs (or Kongs) of Dragon tiles.

    34. One Melded and one Concealed Kong
    A hand that includes one Melded Kong and one Concealed Kong

    8 POINTS HANDS - Total of 10 hands

    35. Mixed Straight
    A straight (tiles 1-9) formed by Chows from all three suits.
    Example 5

    * Combined with Pure Double Chow and All Chows.

    Example 6

    * Combined with All Chows, and Mixed Double Chow.

  • Mixed Straight - 8 points
  • Chow Hand - 2 points
  • Mixed Double Chow (7,8,9-bamboo 7,8,9-dot) - 1 point
  • Single Wait - 1 point

    * Straight (4,5,6-dot 7,8,9-dot) is not counted because chow 7,8,9-dot can be combined only ONCE

  • 36. Reversible Tiles
    A hand created entirely with those tiles which are vertically symmetrical (245689 bamboos 1234589 dots White dragon). The point for One Voided Suit is implied.
    Example 7

    * Combined with Full Flush and Pure Shifted Chows.

    Example 8

    * Combined with All Pungs, Dragon Pung, Double Pung, and Pung of Terminals or Honors (2).

    37. Mixed Triple Chow
    Three runs of the same numerical sequence, one in each suit.
    Example 9

    * Combined with All Chows, Tile Hog, and All Simples.

    Example 10
  • Upper Four - 12
  • Mixed Triple Chow - 8
  • All Chows -2
  • Pure Double Chow (6,7,8-dot 6,7,8-dot) - 1
  • Single Wait -1

    * Mixed Double Chow ( 6,7,8-dot, 6,7,8-bamboos ) and Mixed Double Chow ( 6,7,8-dot, 6,7,8-characters ) are not counted because chow 6,7,8-dot, can be combined only ONCE

  • 38. Mixed Shifted Pungs
    Three Pungs, one in each suit, each shifted up one number from the last.
    Example 11
  • Lower Four - 12
  • Mixed Shifted Pungs -8
  • All Pungs -6
  • Double Pung2
  • Single Wait -1
    Example 12

    * Combined with Upper Tiles, Tile Hog, and Pung of Terminals or Honors.

  • 39. Chicken Hand
    A hand that would otherwise earn 0 points (the score from Flower Tiles do not count against this hand, and are added as a bonus beyond the 8 points for this hand).
    Example 13
    Chow Pung Chow
    Concealed Portion Wait

    40. Last Tile Draw
    Going out on a draw of the very last tile of the game. Does not combine with Self-drawn.

    41. Last Tile Claim
    Going out off the discard which is the last tile in the game.

    42. Out with Replacement Tile
    Going out on the replacement tile drawn after achieving a Kong. Does not apply to replacement tiles drawn for flower tiles.

    43. Two Concealed Kongs
    A hand including two concealed Kongs.

    44. Robbing the Kong
    Winning off the tile that a player adds to a melded Pung to create a Kong. Does not combine with Fully Concealed Hand.

    12 POINTS HANDS - Total of 5 hands

    45. Lesser Honors and Knitted Tiles
    A hand made of singles of the following tiles: Any Honor tile, along with Suit Tiles that belong to different Knitted sequences (for example. 1-4-7 of Characters, 2-5-8 of Bamboos, and 3-6-9 of Dots - each of the 3 suits must belong to a different Knitted! sequence, but not necessarily in the order above). When finished with 7 honor tiles, the hand becomes Greater Honors and Knitted Tiles (see below). Fully Concealed may be combined if Self-Drawn. Points for All Types are not added.
    Example 14

    46. Knitted Straight
    A special Straight which is formed not with standard Chows but with 3 different Knitted sequences. For example, 1-4-7 of Dots, 2-5-8 of Characters, and 3-6-9 of Bamboos - but not necessarily in this order.
    Example 15

    * Combined with All Chows.

    Example 16

    * Combined with All Types and Pung of Terminals or Honors.

    47. Upper Four
    A hand created with suit tiles 6 through 9. The point for No Honors is implied.
    Example 17

    * Combined with Tile Hog and Mixed Double Chow.

    Example 18

    * Combined with Mixed Triple Chow, Pure Double Chow, and All Chows.

    48. Lower Four
    A hand created with suit tiles 1 through 4. The point for No Honors is implied
    Example 19

    * Combined with Mixed Triple Chow, Pure Double Chow, and All Chows.

    49. Big Three Winds
    A hand that includes one Pung (or Kong) each of three winds.
    Example 20

    * Combined with All Terminals and Honors, and One Voided Suit.

    Example 21

    * Combined with Half Flush.

    16 POINTS HANDS - Total of 6 hands

    50. Pure Straight
    A hand using tiles 1-9 from any one suit, forming three consecutive Chows.
    Example 22

    * Combined with Full Flush, Pure Double Chow, and All Chows.

    Example 23

    * Combined with No Honors and One Voided Suit.

  • Pure Straight - 16
  • Half Flush - 6
  • Pure Double Chow ( 1,2,3-bamboo 1,2,3-bamboo ) - 1
  • Single Wait - 1

    * Short Straight (1,2,3-bamboo 4,5,6-bamboo ) is not counted because 1,2,3 - bamboo has already been used in Pure Double Chow

  • 51. Three-suited Terminal Chows
    A hand consisting of 1-2-3 + 7-8-9 in one suit (Two Terminal Chows). 1-2-3 + 7-8-9 in another suit, and finally, a head of fives in the remaining suit.
    Example 24

    * Points tor Mixed Double Chow, Two Terminal Chows, No Honors, and All Chows are all implied.

    52. Pure Shifted Chows
    Three chows in one suit each shifted either one or two numbers up from the last, but not a combination of both.
    Example 25

    * Combined with All Chows, Mixed Double Chow, and One Voided Suit.

    Example 26

    * Combined with No Honors.

    53. All Fives
    A hand in which every element includes a 5 tile.
    Example 27

    * Combined with Middle tiles, Mixed Triple Chow, Tile Hog, Pure Double Chow, and All Chows.

    Example 28

    * Combined with Tile Hog and Double Pung.

    54. Triple Pung
    Three Pungs, one in each suit, of the same number.
    Example 29

    * Combined with Lower Four, Tile Hog, and All Simples.

    55. Three Concealed Pungs
    Three Pungs achieved without claiming tiles.
    Example 30

    * Combined with All Terminals and Honors, All Types, and Dragon Pung. Can also combine with the Prevalent Wind and Seat Wind.

    Example 31

    * Combined with Full Flush.

    24 POINTS HANDS - Total of 9 hands

    56. Seven Pairs
    A hand formed by seven pairs. Always finishes with a single wait. Does not combine with Concealed Hand, or Single Wait.
    Example 32

    * Combined with Tile Hog, All Simples, and One Voided Suit.

    Example 33

    * Combined with Tile Hog and All Terminals.

    57. Greater Honors and Knitted Tiles
    Formed by 7 single Honors and singles of suit tiles belonging to separate Knitted sequences (for example, 1-4-7 of Bamboos, 2-5-8 of Characters, and 3-6-9 of Dots). Does not combine with All Types, Concealed Hand, or Single Wait.
    Example 34

    58. All Even
    A hand formed with Pungs of 2. 4. 6 and 8 tiles and a head of the same. Points for All Pungs and All Simples are implied.
    Example 35

    * Combined with Double Pung (2) and One Voided Suit.

    59. Full Flush
    A hand formed entirely of a single suit. The point for No Honors is implied.
    Example 36

    * Combined with Four Pure Shifted Pungs and Pung of Terminals or Honors. All Pungs is not added, since it does not combine with Four Pure Shifted Pungs.

    Example 37

    * Combined with Quadruple Chow, Lower Four, and All Chows.

    60. Pure Triple Chow
    Three runs of the same numerical sequence and in the same suit. Does not combine with Pure Shifted Pungs.
    Example 38

    * Combined with Middle Tiles, All Fives. All Chows, Mixed Double Chow, and One Voided Suit.

    61. Pure Shifted Pungs
    Three Pungs of the same suit, each shifted one up from the last. Does not combine with Pure Triple Chow.
    Example 39

    * Combined with Lower Four, All Pungs, All Simples, Double Pung, and One Voided Suit.

    62. Upper Tiles
    A hand consisting entirely of 7, 8, and 9 tiles. The point for No Honors is implied.
    Example 40

    * Combined with Double Pung, All Pungs, and Pung of Terminals or Honors.

    Example 41

    * Combined with Mixed Double Chow, Double Pung, and Tile Hog.

    63. Middle Tiles
    A hand consisting entirety of 4, 5, and 6 tiles. The point for No Honors is implied.
    Example 42

    * Combined with Pure Shifted Pungs, Tile Hog (3), and One Voided Suit.

    64. Lower Tiles
    A hand consisting entirely of 1, 2, and 3 tiles. The point for No Honors is implied.
    Example 43

    * Combined with Mixed Triple Chow, All Chows, Tile Hog, and Pure Double Chow.

    32 POINTS HANDS - Total of 3 hands

    65. Four Shifted Chows
    Four Chows in one suit each shifted over 1 or 2 numbers from the last, but not a combination of both.
    Example 44

    * Combined with Full Flush and All Chows.

    Example 45

    * Combined with All Chow and One Voided Suit.

    66. Three Kongs
    A hand containing three Kongs. They may be melded or concealed.
    Example 46

    * Combined with Four Pure Shifted Pungs, All Pungs, Double Pung, One Voided Suit, All Simples, and Lower Four.

    67. All Terminals and Honors
    A hand consisting entirely of 1, 9, and Honor tiles. Points for All Pungs and Pung of Terminals or Honors are implied.
    Example 47

    * Combined with All Types and Double Pung.

    48 POINTS HANDS - Total of 2 hands

    68. Quadruple Chow
    Four Chows of the same numerical sequence in the same suit. Points for Pure Shifted Pungs, Tile Hog, and Pure Double Chow are all implied.
    Example 48

    * Combined with Full Flush, Lower Four and All Chows.

    69. Four Pure Shifted Pungs
    Four sets in the same suit each shifted one up from the last.
    Example 49

    * Combined with Lower Four, Reversible Tiles, Terminals or Honors.

    64 POINTS HANDS - Total of 6 hands

    70. All Terminals
    A hand consisting entirely of 1 and 9 tiles. Does not combine with Double Pung or No Honors.
    Example 50

    71. Little Four Winds
    A hand that includes three Pungs of Winds and a head of the fourth Wind. Combines with Prevalent Wind and Seat Wind, but points for Big Three Winds are implied.
    Example 51

    * Combined with Outside Hand and Half Flush. * Combined with Outside Hand and Half Flush.

    72. Little Three Dragons
    A hand that includes two Dragon Pungs, and a head of the remaining Dragon. Points for individual Dragon Pungs are not added
    Example 52

    * Combined with All Terminals and Honors, and Half Flush.

    Example 53

    * Combined with Outside Hand, One Voided Suit, and Pung of Terminals or Honors.

    73. All Honors
    A hand consisting entirely of honors. Can be formed with Pungs or Kongs, any of which may be concealed or melded. Combines with Dragon Pung, but points for All Pungs are implied.
    Example 54

    * Combined with Two Dragons. Can also be combined with Seat Wind and Prevalent Wind.

    74. Four Concealed Pungs
    A hand that includes four Pungs achieved without melding. Does not combine with Fully Concealed Hand or All Pungs.
    Example 55

    * Combined with Mixed Shifted Pungs, Lower Four, Double Pung, and All Simples.

    75. Pure Terminal Chows
    A hand consisting of two each of the lower and upper terminal Chows in a single suit, and a head of five in the same.
    Example 56

    * Points for Full Flush, Seven Pairs, Two Terminal Chows, and Pure Double Chow are all implied.

    88 POINTS HANDS - Total of 7 hands

    76. Big Four Winds
    A hand that includes Pungs (or Kongs) of all four Winds. Does not combine with All Pungs.
    Example 57

    * Combined with All Honors

    Example 58

    * Combined with All Terminals and Honors, and Half Flush.

    77. Big Three Dragons
    A hand that includes Pungs (or Kongs) of all three Dragon tiles. Does not combine with Dragon Pung.
    Example 59

    * Combined with All Terminals and Honors, and One Voided Suit.

    Example 60

    * Combined with Half Flash.

    78. All Green
    A hand composed entirely of the 2,3,4,6,8 of Bamboos and the green Dragon tile. Combines with Half Flush. When green is not used, the hand combines with Full Flush.
    Example 61

    * Combined with Pure Double Chow.

    Example 62

    * Combined with Full Flush, All Pungs, Pure Shifted Pungs, and All Simples.

    79. Nine Gates
    Holding the 1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.9.9 tiles in one of the suits, creating the nine-sided wait of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Does not combine with Full Flush, or with Pung of Terminals or Honors.
    Example 63

    80. Four Kongs
    Any hand that includes four Kongs. They may be concealed or melded
    Example 64

    * Combined with All Types and Pung of Terminals or Honors.

    Example 65

    * Combined with Mixed Shifted Pungs, Double Pung, Lower Four, and Pung of Terminals or Honors (2).

    81. Seven Shifted Pairs
    A hand formed by seven pairs of the same suit, each shifted one up from the last. Does not combine with Full Flush, Fully Concealed Hand, or Single Wait.
    Example 66

    82. Thirteen Orphans
    A hand created by singles of any 12 of the 1, 9, and Honor tiles, along with a pair of the 13th. Does not combine with All Types, Concealed Hand, or Single Wait.
    Example 67

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